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Pepper Plants for This Spring


Updated: Jan 2, 2024

As many of you know, we grow a number of different types of vegetable bedding plants for sale in the spring at the Farmer's Markets. I'll describe some of our peppers for this year (2023). These are the ones we have started, though there's no guarantee that all of these will end up on our tables in May. Every year we have at least one type that just doesn't do well for whatever reason. These have all been planted and some are sprouting already, but time will tell how they turn out.


This year we have 8 different varieties of sweet bell peppers planted. Last year we had some problems with them so we've attempted to over plant this year. Hopefully they'll do well.

All peppers start out an immature color, usually green, and then mature to red, orange, yellow, purple or brown. Some have intermediate colors. They can be eaten at any stage, though they're usually sweeter as they ripen.

Our green to red varieties are Chinese Giant, Jupiter, Quadrato d'Asti Rosso (or Red

Quadrato) and Sweet Bella. The picture is Jupiter from the Southern Exposure Seed Exchange website.

Bell Peppers

Our green to purple variety is Purple Bell. The green to orange is Orange Sun and the the green to brown is Sweet Chocolate. The picture is Sweet Chocolate from the Seed Savers Exchange website.

Purple bell pepper

Then we have Diamond Bell. It starts out ivory instead of green and maintains that color for a while before ripening to yellow and then red. The picture is from Kitchen Garden Seeds, which is also where we purchased the seed.

diamond bell pepper

Our other sweet types are Sweet Banana and Gypsy.

Medium Heat

For this category, we have the always popular Shishito, as well as Garden Salsa, Anaheim, Poblano, Buena Mulata, Cowhorn and a new one called Bananapeño . As it's name suggests, Bananapeño is a cross between a Sweet Banana and a Jalapeño. The mature color is a chocolate brown. Picture from The Experimental Farm Network, where the seeds were purchased from.

bananapeno peppers

Hot Peppers

Our hot peppers include Sugar Rush Peach, Sugar Rush Red, Golden Cayenne, Serrano, Scotch Bonnet, Jalapeño Gigantia, Joe's Long Cayenne and Habanero. The picture is of Golden Cayenne from Davesgarden.

hot peppers

We'll be growing some container peppers as well, mostly in two gallon pots. I'll put up a separate post for them.

Warner's Produce

45146 Duck Rd

Montrose, South Dakota 57048

(605) 251-2512



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